Committees ...


School Management Committee

The School Management Committee is involved in the process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the activities of an institution by utilizing human and material resources so as to effectively and efficiently accomplish functions of teaching, extension work and research.

St. Stephen’s is envisioned as child friendly, inclusive and rich in learning resources with a sustainable eco-system, safe and secure from hazards, incorporating elements of green architecture, optimum resource-utilization through culturally and environmentally sustainable practices. At the school level, a School Management Committee is constituted, which is responsible for making the annual work plans.

The SMC plays a pivotal role in school governance to enhance the quality of education offered. In bringing together representatives of different stakeholders, it lays the groundwork for broadened and shared decision-making.

The School Management Committee comprises a team of the President, Senior Vice President, Vice President, Secretary (Ex Officio), Parent Representatives, Staff Representatives, Teacher Nominees, CBSE Nominee Office Bearers and other Members who are committed to Enabling Every Student to Succeed.


POCSO Committee - 2022-2023

All children have an equal right to access education in an environment that is safe, protective and conducive to the overall development. The challenges of gender inequality, eve-teasing and sexual abuse in school environment call for increased awareness and synergy among parents, teachers and school.

In order to ensure strict compliance of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Committee (POCSO) Act 2012, CBSE has taken several initiatives and actions for creating awareness about sexual exploitation among school children.

The POCSO Committee works towards safeguarding the learners from the challenges they face in their formative years at school. The Committee takes up age appropriate initiatives to create awareness about sexual exploitation and to ensure that all learners are aware of their rights and responsibilities towards themselves. Complaint Boxes are placed strategically and checked regularly by the Committee members to address the complaints, if any.

The Committee takes appropriate and necessary action on reported cases of misbehaviours of sexual offences in the School premises.

The POCSO committee comprises of the following members: Ms. D. Thadani, Ms. R. Bhargava, Ms. B. Bhargava, Ms. P. Sharma and Ms. M. Mathur.


Grievance Redressal Committee

Protection of human rights is essential for all round development of an individual’s personality. To realize the primary needs of the students and staff, a Grievance Redressal Cell has been constituted. The Grievance Cell of the School has been formed to look into the complaints and grievances of students, parents and staff members of the School.

At SSA, in case any complaints are received, the same shall be submitted to the under mentioned with the details of the grievance as the case may be:

StudentsClass Teacher - Subject Teacher -> Well-Being Coordinator -> Headmistress/Vice Principal -> Principal
ParentsClass Teacher - Subject Teacher -> Well–Being Coordinator -> Headmistress / Vice-Principal -> Principal -> Director
TeachersHODs -> Headmistress / Vice-Principal -> Principal -> Director
Support Staff/ Vendor / SupplierHeadmistress / Vice-Principal -> Principal -> Manager

Mr. A. Peswani is the Grievance/ Redressal Officer (Phone No.: 0145-2641851, 2640851, Email:


Internal Complaint Committee

The School is committed to providing a safe and conducive, work and academic environment to students and its employees and is extremely alert to matters pertaining to any kind of harassment and gender sensitivity. The Internal Complaint Committee has been constituted to enquire into the complaint of the female employees/ students on matters related to sexual harassment. The School has a zero-tolerance policy towards any such transgression.

Members of the Committee:
  -   Ms. Bhavna Bhargava
  -   Ms. Priya Sharma
  -   Ms. Ritu Bhargava


Anti – Tobacco Committee

The School has constituted an Anti-Tobacco Committee to prevent consumption of tobacco and has declared the School as “tobacco-free” Zone. The objective of the committee is to provide students with the foundation for understanding the tobacco epidemic and the toxicity of tobacco. Towards this objective the committee takes steps to increase the knowledge of students about the harmful constituents used in tobacco products and their detrimental effects on health. This information will help educate students about the tobacco epidemic and provide them with the opportunity to make an informed choice.

Members of the Committee:
  -   Mr. Praveen Yadav
  -   Mr. Mukesh Rawat