
August 16, 2023
School News


We celebrated the 77th Independence Day with great enthusiasm and fervour. The Chief Guest for the occasion, Colonel Abhik Sarkar, hoisted the Tricolor with everyone standing tall to salute the Tricolour. The main attractions and highlights of the day were a smart March past by the platoons of the four Houses; NCC Cadets, Scouts and Guides. It was followed by Badi Salami by the Bulbuls, a synchronized drummer’s call, an inspiring speech, a heart-touching patriotic song, rhythmic gymnastics and a lively dance performance.

The celebration concluded with a powerful and inspiring speech by the Chief Guest, who focused on the importance of 5 Ps in our life namely, Punctuality, Perseverance, Politeness, Playfulness and Passionate. He also emphasized on the need to play outdoor games and to use technology in a constructive manner.